Getting Off To A Good Start
We know that eating well, exercising, and taking care of ourselves has benefits such as improvement in mood, providing the body with the energy it needs to support our daily activities and maximizing our overall physical health. We want to make our lives more fulfilling. But we don’t always know how to make the necessary changes.
Try Working the Seven C’s of Successful Change:
1. Caring – This is essential for making any behavior change.
Self care – is what we have to do in order to stop doing one thing and start doing another.
2. Choice– Change is all about making choices. Small steps in a new direction. It is intentionally choosing to do something different.
3. Creativity – Use your imagination to find a variety of possible solutions to stressful situations as they arise.
4. Courage – It takes courage to find a new adventure or to handle everyday challenges. But the opportunity for growth is worth the effort.
5. Comfort – Change is hard work, even if you are trying to make a positive change. Don’t be hard on yourself. Changes take time. Find something – anything you enjoy and do it!
6. Confidence – Take risks. Make normal mistakes. Make a list of the positive changes you are
making. Seeing your progress helps build the confidence you need to continue the path you’ve
7. Celebrate! Give yourself plenty of “atta boys” and pats on the back for the work you have done
and the changes you have made towards your goals of a happier and healthier life.