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Contact PRN for Families

The Family Preservation Model

What is the 'Family Preservation Model'?

Family preservation and reunification services are designed to support families in crisis in which children are either at imminent risk of placement or have been placed outside their homes. These services are meant for all families and are effective as reunification services as well as for placement prevention. The goal is to keep children safe and avoid both unnecessary removal and unnecessarily long separation from family in out-of-home care. Intensive in-home family preservation services are the most cost-effective way to preserve families according to the National Family Preservation Network.

According to a November 2007 report entitled "An examination of Intensive Family Preservation Services" prepared by Raymond S. Kirk, PhD, the Director of Research and Program Evaluation for Independent Living Resources, Inc., intensive family preservation services continue to "hold promise as a service to help families overcome a variety of problems that might lead to child removal." The report also concludes that intensive family reunification services "are also successful."

"Across all types of families and types of maltreatment, the (intensive family preservation service) programs achieved a 93% placement prevention rate (i.e., the children were living with their biological parent, adoptive parent, relative; with 85% living with the bio-parent), a rate that is in line with previous research. Family assessments revealed substantial progress on several domains of family functioning, including the families' environment, parental capabilities, family interactions, family safety and child well-being. Progress in these areas was associated with successful placement prevention. 69% of families were reunited as a result of (reunification) services. Of that number 54% were reunited with biological parents and the remaining balance was living with adoptive parents, relatives, or guardians."

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