Contact PRN for Families
Contact PRN for Families


"Charles' services are unique and cannot be duplicated. Charles' has a unique skill set that allows him to work in a variety of capacities with a family."
-Educational Consultant, Denver, Colorado

"Charles stepped into our family and empowered us as parents to strengthen our parenting skills in order to provide clear, consistent structure and boundaries to both of our teens."
- Parent, Seattle, Washington

"Charles' non-traditional approach to working with at-risk youth has been significantly more successful than any other community-based, out-patient experience we've had in this arena."
- Parent, Chicago, Illinois

"Charles provides a unique service to families like mine, who typically have exhausted may other avenues and resources. I shudder to think where my son would be today without Charles' intervention and skillful handling of his issues."
- Mother, Boston, Mass.

"Charles has an unusual ability to establish an almost immediate rapport with the teenagers he consults with; moreover, he is also able to establish a true connection with their parents."
- Educational Consultant, Boston, Mass

"Charles provides me with an outlet when I have no one else to talk to, and I look forward to my talks with him three times a week."
- Teenager, Seattle, Washington

Contact PRN for Families