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Contact PRN for Families

Independent Living / College Transition

As adolescents move into young adulthood, it is natural that they look for opportunities to live independently of their families. Leaving the cushiness of home is usually the last step taken before officially joining the adult world. However, this transition may be more complicated for young adults who lack the experiences, skills or confidence to take that step.

Young adults are faced with new situations, most of which have little to do with what is taught in high school or college. Becoming self-reliant can be frightening and for some immobilizing. It's not easy! Dealing with adult issues such as managing money, maintaining your own living space, taking care of personal needs, preparing food, caring for clothing, using transportation, going to class and/or work all combine to put a serious strain on a person.

Recognizing this challenge, PRN for Families is introducing Independent/ College Transition services to help young adults make the transition from relying on their parents and family to an independent living situation.

We provide a stepping stone to enable a smooth transition during this process. We work with the whole client system to provide tools and support necessary for a successful emancipation. The program is structured with a high level of accountability, yet community-based, which means we go into the community versus the client going outside to receive the services. It is customized to meet the needs of the client, and specifically designed for clients who have exhausted the more traditional services.

What is PRN? - A Family Preservation model for families who have young adults who are making the transition to college or an independent living situation. Whatever the scenario, self-sufficiency does not happen overnight and often requires added support, guidance and direction.

Our goal is to provide the support needed for young adults to make a smooth transition to college or an independent living situation, providing assistance and support with a wide range of life skills, individualized plans, 24 hour crisis intervention, mental health and substance abuse support, education advocacy and employment guidance.

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