Contact PRN for Families
Contact PRN for Families

Additional Programs

Customized Services (Intervention/Resolution)

PRN for Families is pleased to present the Family Preservation, Reunification and Networking model of services. We pride ourselves in developing customized service plans to preserve healthy families. We collaborate with schools, programs, and educational consultants who may choose to refer their families for aftercare services to ensure the smoothest transition home. Our mission is to reach out to families in their own homes in order to empower family members with the tools, resources and support they need to safely stay together. The provision of these services is available to an child and family system in the United States.

Case Management/Consultation Combination

Crisis intervention/case consultation 24 hours a day / 7 days a week. Coordination, management and accountability of all components of the Service Plan including home, school, employment, treatment, drug testing, legal, extra-curricular activities, social etc. with both immediate family members and third party professionals.

Case Management

Crisis intervention/case consultation 24 hours a day / 7days a week. Coordination, management and accountability of all components of the Service Plan including home, school, employment, treatment, drug testing, legal, extra-curricular activities, social etc. with third party professionals only.

Basic Consultation

Case Consultation: 8.00a.m. - 8.00p.m. Local time / 4 days a week (Monday - Thursday's.) Coordination, management and accountability of all components of the Service Plan during these hours including home, school, employment, treatment, drug testing, legal, extra-curricular activities, social etc. for immediate family members only.

Premium Consultation

Case consultation 24 hours a day / 7 days a week. Coordination, management and accountability of all components of the Service Plan including home, school, employment, treatment, drug testing, legal, extra-curricular activities, social etc. for immediate family members only.


Community networking / researching and referral to appropriate community resources.

We also offer:

Outreach/home-based services

Remote services: Outreach counseling/therapy sessions via video/teleconference

Contact PRN for Families